Minerals of the World: systematics and geology

By: PhD Dr. Paulo César Pereira das Neves (usppd@yahoo.com.br).

(This work is exclusively for scientific dissemination and has no commercial value.)



One of the most enigmatic phrases I've ever heard, was in a Mineralogy class, uttered by the late Prof. Dr. Jorge Alberto Willwock - "minerals represent the flowers of the inanimate world". And, if we think about it, they are, because the colors, the shine, the shapes, honestly, take us back to the plant world, to Nature in its most beautiful splendor. They are irreproducible entities, one mineral is never the same as another.

A mineralogical species is a natural solid formed by geological processes. These must be, therefore, the relevant factors in the determination of a mineral and in the proposition of new species, whether on Earth or in extra-terrestrial bodies, with well-defined chemical composition and crystallographic properties, these being the key factors for the definition of a new mineral species is justified (NICKEL; GRICE, 1998 in ATENCIO, 2020).

By crystalline structure, we mean internal ordering, on the atomic scale, where atoms are arranged in a regular geometric pattern. The constituent atoms of a mineral are distributed in an orderly manner, forming a network called crystal lattice. This network is formed by fundamental atomic or ionic units, which are repeated three-dimensionally, being called the united cell of the mineral (which serves as the basis for the formation of the crystalline reticulum), where each atom occupies a well-defined position in space. The internal arrangement is an important feature of the solid state. Special cases of non-crystalline substances are those that are liquid under ambient conditions. Water in liquid form is not considered a mineral, but in solid form, such as ice (H2O) found in the polar ice caps or in caves in regions with a very cold climate. Ice is considered a mineral, because when water molecules freeze they assume an ordered arrangement, characteristic of the crystalline solid state. Native mercury (Hg) is recognized as a mineral even through it does not occur in a solid state under Earth's environmental conditions (the only exception). This substance only acquires an internal crystalline structure (hexagonal system) from -39.5°C.

The vast majority of minerals crystallize in a single in a single crystalline system. Only a few substances, including analcime (NaAlSi2O6.2H2O), can crystallize in different systems, in the case of cubic, tetragonal, trigonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic.

The term naturally, used in the definition of mineral, indicates that only substances formed spontaneously in nature, by some geological process, are considered minerals.

Spodumene crystals (colorless) (kunzite (green) and hiddenite (pink) varieties), Araçuaí, Galileia, MG, Brazil – source: Mineral collection of the Lutheran University of Brazil (CMULBRA) – photograph: Luciano Valério. 

A mineral must be formed, generally, by inorganic process, that is, originating from geological processes. However, some biogenic substances, produced by biological processes at the source, included in the definition of mineral, provided that they respect the other pre-established conditions. Examples of these substances are the shells of mollusks and coral reefs (composed of aragonite and vaterite (CaCO3) and monohydrocalcite (CaCO3.H2O; kidney stones (formed by apatite-CaF (Ca5(PO4)3F), apatite-CaOH (Ca5(PO4)3OH) and whitlockite (Ca9(Mg)(PO3OH)(PO4)6, among others. Such substances, despite being generated by organisms, have inorganic chemical compounds identical to the natural forms of minerals.

Fossil coal and oil, although formed by geological processes, are not considered minerals, as they do not have a specific chemical composition or ordered atomic arrangement. In addition to the fact that, in their origin, they are formed by organic carbon, found in biological materials. However, in some cases, if some geological process acts on the organic matter, the product can be accepted as a mineral. Examples of validated minerals of this type are substances crystallized from organic matter, in black shales, such as abelsonite C31H32N4Ni (NEVES et al., 2015) and limestone constituents derived from marine organisms.

Every year, between 40-50 new mineralogical species are discovered for science. Others, an almost insignificant number, are discredited by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA), the body that regulates and standardizes these substances at a global level. Many others still undergo changes in their nomenclatural base. All of this is due to the new modern analytical techniques that chemistry makes available to us, stimulating and enabling scientists to work with substances of very reduced sizes, which until recently was something unthinkable to do. Also, with the space race, promoted by man, and with the exploration of substrates at the bottom of the oceans, rocks containing minerals hitherto unknown on Earth have been investigated. Currently, 5,863 species are known (IMA List - November 2022). Minerals are classified into the seven crystalline systems mentioned above. Each of these systems serves as the basis for the 14 spatial configurations, which represent the crystalline reticules established by Auguste Bravais, in 1848, which ended up generating the 230 spatial groups of crystalline substances. The fundamental form of each system represents the spatial configuration of the unit cell of the substances that crystallize in it.

The objective of this work is to demonstrate, in a complete and up-to-date manner, the mineral world from a historical, cultural and analytical point of view, based mainly on the Updated list of IMA-approved mineral (November 2022) - (although the subject is by its nature a work in progress). The images were mostly taken from google.images, Mindat.org., RRUFF Project (with proper authorizations for use and American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database).

The systematic classification is based on NICKEL; STRUNZ, 2002 and annexes. Bellow, in alphabetical order, are described the mineral species described the mineral species existing on Earth, on the Moon and some planets of the Solar System, in addition to those that occur in meteorites, which are considered to belong to the place where the respective bolides crash sites. After the name of each mineral species its symbol is placed, suggested by WARR (2021) and made official by the IMA. Images of crystalline structures follow the American Mineralogical Crystal Structure Database and X-ray diagrams were taken from the RRUFF Project, University of Arizona, with permission from Dr. Robert Downs.

All images used here go with their respective credits. Eventually, in some cases we were unable to contact them authorization. If someone does not agree with their publication, please contact us (usppd@yahoo.com.br), and we will immediately remove them from the blogger.

To all those consultants, mineralogists, mineral collectors or those interested in the subject, we wish a good reading. Any errors detected, we request assistance to that they are property corrected.


ATENCIO, D. Type Mineralogy of Brazil a book in progress. Instituto de Geociências USP: São Paulo, 2020, 662 pp.

IMA – The official IMA-CNMNC List of Mineral Names – Updated list of IMA approved minerals (November, 2022) http://cnmnc.main.jp/IMA_Master_List_%282022-11%29.pdf.

NEVES, P. C. P. das; CORRÊA, D. S.; CARDOSO, J. C. A classe mineralógica das combinações orgânicas associadas ao hidrogênio. Terrae Didatica, v. 4, n. 1, pp. 51-66, 2015.

NICKEL, E. H.; STRUNZ, K. H. Strunz Mineralogical Tables – Chemical Structural Mineral Classification System, Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung: Sttutgart, 9th ed. 2002, 870 pp. (2010 – 10thed. – pending). 

WARR, L. N. IMA-CNMNC approved mineral symbols. The Mineralogical Magazine, v. 85, n. 3, pp 291-320, 2021.



Next, we will make a brief description of each existing mineralogical species, sorting them in alphabetical order.

1.  ABELLAITE Abe - NaPb2(CO3)2(OH) - sodium and lead hydroxycarbonate

a) Chemical data and Nickel-Strunz classes: molecular mass = 574.42 gmol 1-; elemental contents: Pb = 72.14%, O = 19.50%, C = 4.18%, Na = 4.00% and H = 0.18%; oxide contents: PbO = 77.72%, CO2 = 15.32%, Na2O 5.39% and H2O = 1.57%; Carbonates - 5.BE.X.

b) b) IMA status: validated species (2014). 

c) Type locality(ies): 

Eureka mine, Castell-estaó, La Torre de Cabdella (Capdella), La Vall Fosca, El Pallars Jussà, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain.

d) Repository(s) (type material): Natural History Museum, Barcelona, Spain (catalogue(s): MGB 26,350).

e) Name origin: 

In homage to the Catalan gemologist, Dr. Joan Abella i Creus (☼1968), from Sabadel, Spain, who researched the mineral resources of the Eureka mine, where she first found this species (commons.wikimedia.org).

f) X-Ray diffraction pattern: 3.193 (100), 2.029 (95), 2.627 (84), 2.275 (65) and 2.275 (29).

g) Images:

Abellaite crystals (mineral collection and photography: Stephan Wolfsried) and Eureka mine (photography: Jordi Cortés).

Crystal system: hexagonal and crystalline structure (source: RRUFF Project).

g)hX-Ray Diffraction pattern: 3.193 (100), 2.029 (95), 2.627 (84), 2.275 (65) and 2.275 (29).

h)i) Genesis: Secondary mineral generated by post-mining latter enrichment that forms sparse layers of the supergene cycle in U-V-Cu deposits.

i) Genesis: Secondary mineral generated by post-mining latter enrichment that forms sparse layers of the supergene cycle in U-V-Cu deposits. 

j) Deposit(s): layered red sediments rich in U-V-Cu). 

l) Paragenesis: andersonite Na2Ca(UO2)(CO3)3.6H2O, aragonite CaCO3, čejkaite Na4(UO2)(CO3)3, devilline CaCu2+4(SO4)2)3(O H)6.3H2O, gordaite NaZn4(SO4)(OH)6Cl.6H2O,  hydrozincite Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6 and malachite (Cu2+2(CO3)(OH)2). 

k) Occurrence(s): Russia and Spain


IBÁÑEZ-INSA, J.;ELVIRA, L. X.; PÉREZ-CANO, J.; ORIOLS, N.; BUSQUETS-MASÓ, M.; HERNÁNDEZ, S. Abellaite, NaPb2(CO3)2(OH), a new supergene mineral from the Eureka mine, Lleida Province, Catalonia, Spain. European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 29, n. 5, pp. 915-922, 2017.



2.  ABELSONITE Abl - C31H32N4Ni - nickel porphyrin

a) Chemical data and Nickel-Strunz classes: molecular mass = 519.31 gmol 1-; elemental contents: C = 71.70%, Ni = 11.31%, C = 4.18%, N = 10.79% and H = 6.21%; Organic Compounds (organic minerals in miscellaneous) - 10.CA.20.

b) b) IMA status: validated species (1975). 

c) Type locality(ies):

Big Pack Mountains, Green River Formation, Wosco well, Uintah Co., Utah, United States of America.

d) Repository(s) (type material): Natural History Museum, London, England (catalogue(s): 1979-136); National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, United States of America (catalogue(s): 143,566; 145,712).  

e) Name origin: 

In homage to the American physicist, Prof. Dr. Philip Hauge Abelson (☼1913 - ┼2004), co-responsible for the discovery of the chemical element neptunium (Np - Z = 93), editor of the journal Science (1962-1984), director of the Carnegie Institution and its Geophysical Laboratory ( 1953-1971), Washington, D.C., United States of America.

f) Images:

Abelsonite crystals (mineral collection and photography: Thomas Witzke), and WOSCO well, Uintah Co., Utah, USA (mindat.org).

   Crystal system: triclinic and crystalline structure (source: RRUFF Project).

g)gX-Ray Diffraction pattern: 10.90 (100), 3,77 (80), 7.63 (50), 5.79 (40), 3.14 (40), 5.51 (35) and 6.63 (30)

)h) Genesis: Secondary mineral generated under unique geochemical conditions by salts of organic acids, derived from chlorophyll diagenesis. Transport of the relatively insoluble precursor material was mobilized by aquous solutions to favorable sediments that occur along fractures of kerogen-rich shales.

i) Deposit(s): pyrobituminous shales

k) Paragenesis: analcima NaAlSi2O6.H2O, albite NaAlSi3O8dolomite CaMg(CO3)2orthoclase KAlSi3O8, pyrite FeS2, quartz SiO2 and authigenic micas.

l) Occurrence(s): United States of America.


NEVES, P. C. P. das; CORRÊA, D. S.; CARDOSO, J. C. A classe mineralógica das combinações orgânicas associadas ao hidrogênio. Terrae Didatica, v. 4, n. 1, pp. , 51-66, 2015.



3. ABENAKIITE-(Ce)) Abk-Ce - Na26(Ce,REE)6(SiO3)6(PO4)6(CO3)6 (S4+O2)O

 - Silico-phosphate-carbonate-sulphite-oxide of Na and Ce with rare earth elements.

a) Chemical data and Nickel-Strunz classes: molecular mass = 2,903.93 gmol 1-; elemental contents: O = 34.71%, Ce = 28.95%, Na = 19.94%, P = 6.19%, Si = 5.63%, C = 2,41% and S = 2.17%; oxide contents: Ce2O3 = 33.89 %, Na2O = 27.73%, P2O5 = 14.11%, SiO2 = 12.41%, CO2 = 9.09% and SO2 = 2,77%. Silicates - Germanates (Cyclosilicates) - 9.CK.10.

b) b) IMA status: validated species (1991). 

c) Type locality(ies):

Proudette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Valée-du-Richelieu, Montérégie, Québec, Canada.

d) Repository(s) (type material): Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa,  Ontario, Canada (catalogue(s): 81,501).  

e) Name origin: 

Alluding to the tribe of the Abenaki Indians, former inhabitants of the surroundings of Mount Saint-Hilaire.

f) Images:

Abenakiite-(Ce) crystals (indicated by the blue arrow), Proudette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Valée–du-Richelieu, Montérégie, Québec, Canada (mineral collection and photograph: Lazló Horváth); panoramic image of Mount Saint-Hilaire (google images).

   Crystal system: trigonal and crystalline structure (source: RRUFF Project)..

g)gX-Ray Diffraction pattern: 2.674 (100), 3.773 (90), 8.036 (85), 6.554 (85), 3.591 (80), 11.414 (75), 4.646 (75), 3.150 (70), 3.14 (40), and 6.63 (30).

)h) Genesis: minerals that occur as xenoliths in sodalite syenite, as late-stage phases, possibly due to metasomatism.

i) Deposit(s): sodalite-syenites

k) Paragenesis: aegirine NaFe3+Si2O6, analcima NaAlSi2O6.H2O

 eudialyte Na15Ca6(Fe2+,Mn2+)3Zr3(Si,Nb)(Si25O73)(O,OH,H2O

)3(Cl,OH)2, manganoneptunite KNa2Li KNa2Li(Mn2+,Fe2+)2Ti2Si8O24nepheline (Na,K)AlSiO6,  polylithionite KLi2AlSi4O10F2,

sodalita Na8(Al6Si6O24)Cl2 and steenstrupine-(Ce) Na14Ce6Mn2+Mn3+Fe2+2(Zr,Th)(Si6O18)2(PO4).3H2O.

l) Occurrence(s): Canada and Russia.


McDONALD, A. M.; CHAO, G. Y.; GRICE, J. D. Abenakiite-(Ce), a new silicophosphate carbonate mineral from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec: description and structure determination. The Canadian Mineralogist, v. 32, n. 4, pp. 843-854, 1994.



4. ABERNATHYITE Abn - K[(UO2)(AsO4)]H2O3

 - Uranyl-tri-arsenate potassium oxidan.

a) Chemical data and Nickel-Strunz classes: molecular mass = 520.11 gmol 1-; elemental contents: U = 45.77%, O = 30.76%, As = 14.41%, K = 7.52% and H = 1.55%; oxide contents: UO2 = 81.92 %, As2O3 = 22.10%, H2O = 13.82%, K2O = 9.06%, CO2 = 9.09% and SO2 = 2,77%. Arsenates - 8.EB.15.

b) b) IMA status: validated species (pre-IMA1956). 

c) Type locality(ies):

Fumarola mine, Temple Mountain, distrito mineiro de San Rapael, Emery Co., Utah, United States of America.

d) Repository(s) (type material): National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, United States of America (catalogue(s): 112,650).  

e) Name origin: 

Named after mine foreman Jesse Abernathy (☼1913-┼1963), operator of the Fumarola mine, who first collected this species.

f) Images:

Abernathyite crystals (Excalibur Mineral Corp. mineral collection – photography: Jeffrey Weissman); Fumarole mine, Temple Mountain, San Rafael mining district, Emery Co., Utah, USA (google images).

   Crystal system: tetragonal and crystalline structure (source: RRUFF Project).

g)gX-Ray Diffraction pattern: 9.14 (100), 3.84 (80), 3.34 (80), 5.63 (70), 3.59 (70), 2.79 (60) and 2.28 (60).

h) Genesis: secondary mineral that fills fractures in asphaltic sandstones and, in the oxidation zone of uranium deposits.

i) Deposit(s): sandstone in U-V rich deposits.

j) Paragenesis: arsenium As,  heinrichite Ba(UO2)2(AsO4)2.10-12H2O, jarosite KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6, metazeunerite Cu2+(UO2)2(AsO4)2.8H2O, orpiment As2S3, pitticite [Fe3+,AsO4,SO4,H2O]?, realgar As4S4scorodite Fe3+AsO4.2H2O and zeunerita Cu2+(UO2)2(As O4)2.10-16H2O.

k) Occurrence(s): France, Germany, Poland, South Africa Republic and United States of America.


THOMPSON, M. E.; INGRAM, B.; GROSS, E. B. Abernathyite, a new uranium mineral of the metatorbernite group. The American Mineralogist, v. 41, ns. 1-2, pp. 82-90, 1956.



4. ABERNATHYITE Abn - K[(UO2)(AsO4)]H2O3

 - Uranyl-tri-arsenate potassium oxidan.

a) Chemical data and Nickel-Strunz classes: molecular mass = 520.11 gmol 1-; elemental contents: U = 45.77%, O = 30.76%, As = 14.41%, K = 7.52% and H = 1.55%; oxide contents: UO2 = 81.92 %, As2O3 = 22.10%, H2O = 13.82%, K2O = 9.06%, CO2 = 9.09% and SO2 = 2,77%. Arsenates - 8.EB.15.

b) b) IMA status: validated species (pre-IMA1956). 

c) Type locality(ies):

Fumarola mine, Temple Mountain, distrito mineiro de San Rapael, Emery Co., Utah, United States of America.

d) Repository(s) (type material): National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, United States of America (catalogue(s): 112,650).  

e) Name origin: 

Named after mine foreman Jesse Abernathy (☼1913-┼1963), operator of the Fumarola mine, who first collected this species.

f) Images:

Abernathyite crystals (Excalibur Mineral Corp. mineral collection – photography: Jeffrey Weissman); Fumarole mine, Temple Mountain, San Rafael mining district, Emery Co., Utah, USA (google images).

   Crystal system: tetragonal and crystalline structure (source: RRUFF Project).

g)gX-Ray Diffraction pattern: 9.14 (100), 3.84 (80), 3.34 (80), 5.63 (70), 3.59 (70), 2.79 (60) and 2.28 (60).

h) Genesis: secondary mineral that fills fractures in asphaltic sandstones and, in the oxidation zone of uranium deposits.

i) Deposit(s): sandstone in U-V rich deposits.

j) Paragenesis: arsenium As,  heinrichite Ba(UO2)2(AsO4)2.10-12H2O, jarosite KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6, metazeunerite Cu2+(UO2)2(AsO4)2.8H2O, orpiment As2S3, pitticite [Fe3+,AsO4,SO4,H2O]?, realgar As4S4scorodite Fe3+AsO4.2H2O and zeunerita Cu2+(UO2)2(As O4)2.10-16H2O.

k) Occurrence(s): France, Germany, Poland, South Africa Republic and United States of America.


THOMPSON, M. E.; INGRAM, B.; GROSS, E. B. Abernathyite, a new uranium mineral of the metatorbernite group. The American Mineralogist, v. 41, ns. 1-2, pp. 82-90, 1956.



5. ABHURITE Abh - Sn3O(OH)2Cl2

 - Tin hydroxychloride.

a) Chemical data and Nickel-Strunz classes: molecular mass = 477.05 gmol 1-; elemental contents: Sn = 74.77%, Cl = 14.86%, O = 10.06% and H = 0.42%; oxide contents: SnO = 84.71%, H2O = 3.78% and Cl = 14,86%, -O=Cl2 = -3,35%. Halides - 3.DA.30.

b) b) IMA status: validated species (1983). 

c) Type locality(ies):

Sharm Abhu cave, Jiddah, Mecca region, Saudi Arabia.

d) Repository(s) (type material): Ontario Royal Museum, Toronto, Canada;  National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, United States of America (catalogue(s): 162,403).  

e) Name origin: in alusion of type-locality.

f) Images:

Abhurite (The Arkestone minerals collection, i.Rocks.com – photography: Rob Lavinsky); SS Liverpool wrack at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, on the Isle of Anglesey, Great Britain (google images), where the mineral was found.

   Crystal system: trigonal and crystalline structure (source: RRUFF Project).

g)gX-Ray Diffraction pattern: 2.5313 (100), 2.8915 (70), 2.8175 (50), 3.404 (50), 4.139 (50) and 3.271 (35).

h) Genesis: Tin ingots corroded by sea water. 

i) Deposit(s): Usually as scabs on sunken ship hulls.

j) Paragenesis: aragonite CaCO3, kutnohorite (Ca(Mn2+,Mg,Fe2+)(CO3)2 and romarchite SnO.

k) Occurrence(s): England, Jamaica, Norway, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdown (Wales) and United States of America.


MATZKO, J. J.; EVANS, H. T.; MROSE, M. E.; ARUSCAVAGE, P. Abhurite, a new tin hydroxychloride mineral and a study a synthetic basic tin chloride. The Canadian Mineralogist, v. 23, n. 2, pp. 233-240, 1985.










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